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My research investigates how the prenatal environment shapes neurodevelopment, with a focus on placental function and its role in brain development. I am particularly interested in the way placental steroid hormones, such as androgens or estrogens, influence early brain growth and behaviour, contributing to human neurodiversity through their effects on social cognition, language, and traits associated with autism or ADHD. This research is part of the emerging field of 'Neuroplacentology,' and seeks to integrate insights from genetics, clinical endocrinology, developmental neuroscience and obstetric epidemiology.

Together with clinical teams in Manchester, Stockholm, Tel-Aviv, and New York, we are currently studying pregnancy conditions specifically in women with a family history or own diagnosis of a neurodevelopmental condition, such as autism or ADHD. This research aims to improve our understanding of the placenta-brain axis, as well as potentially enable earlier identification and diagnosis of these conditions in children with a family history. This research is funded by the Simons Foundation and has recently been recognised by ‘Spectrum’ magazine and the international society of autism research (INSAR).


Key publications: 
  • “Sex Differences in Human Brain Structure at Birth”, in Biology of Sex Differences, (2024),Khan Y., Tsompanidis A., Radecki M, Dorfschmidt L., APEX Consortium, Austin T., Suckling J., Allison C., Lai MC, Bethlehem R, Baron‑Cohen S.
  • Editorial: What’s in a residual? Considering sex differences in autism heritability and likelihood, in JAMA Psychiatry (2024),  Tsompanidis A., Warrier V. and Baron-Cohen S.
  • “Fetal brain growth and infant autistic traits” in Molecular Autism, (2024) Aydin E., Tsompanidis A., Chaplin D., Hawkes R, Allison C., Hackett G., Austin T., Padaigaitė E., Gabis L., Suckling J., Baron-Cohen S., Holt R. 
  • “Sex differences in placental markers and later autistic traits”, in Translational Psychiatry (2023). Tsompanidis. A.., Blanken. L, Broere-Brown Z., Van Rihn B., Baron-Cohen S., Tiemeier H. 
  • “The genetics of autism and steroid-related traits in prenatal and postnatal life” in Frontiers of Endocrinology (2023), Tsompanidis A., Warrier V. and Baron-Cohen S. 
  • “The link between autism and sex-specific neuroanatomy, and associated cognition and gene expression”, In American Journal of Psychiatry (2022): Floris D., Peng H., Warrier V., Lombardo M. , Pretsch CM, Moreau C., Tsompanidis. A., Baron-Cohen S., Beckmann CF 
  • “Medical symptoms and conditions in autistic women”, in Autism (2021), T Simantov, A Pohl, A Tsompanidis, E Weir, M V Lombardo, A Ruigrok, P Smith, C Allison, S Baron-Cohen, F Uzefovsky 
  • “Foetal oestrogens and autism”, in Molecular Psychiatry (2019), S Baron-Cohen, A Tsompanidis, B Auyeung, B Nřrgaard-Pedersen, D M Hougaard, M Abdallah, A Cohen, A Pohl 
Senior Research Associate
Autism Research Centre, Department of Psychiatry
Baron-Cohen group and APEX consortium

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