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Fee status

The Loke Centre for Trophoblast Research studentship is funded at the home student rate, and we are not able to consider applications from students who are classified as overseas.  More information about fee status is available on the University website.

Expected Academic Standard

Applicants for this course should have achieved a UK Good II.i Honours Degree.

If your degree is not from the UK, please check International Qualifications to find the equivalent in your country.

All applications need to be supported by a minimum of two academic reference letters.

We are looking for strong candidates that will contribute to the science in the Loke CTR and have potential as researchers. During the admissions process we will consider the academic record and the comments from referees as well as the research experience and achievements of the applicants. We are mindful that the extent of research opportunity and publications can vary substantially depending on background and undergraduate training, for example some countries have longer undergraduate courses, different master requirements, offer short courses and practical research, etc, and all these are put into context when evaluating potential.

University Minimum Academic Requirements

Language Requirement

IELTS (Academic) TOEFL Internet Score
Element Score Element Score
Listening 7.0 Listening 25
Writing 7.0 Writing 25
Reading 6.5 Reading 25
Speaking 7.0 Speaking 25
Total 7.0 Total 100


Score: Grade A or B (with at least 193 in each individual element) plus a language centre assessment.


Score: Grade A, B, or C (with at least 200 in each individual element).


Visa Information

If you are made an offer, an ATAS will be required in order to obtain a Visa.

Do not apply for an ATAS unless you have been made an offer.

A CAH3 code, which will be used to make your ATAS application, will be provided in your offer letter.

What Is An ATAS?

Selection Process   Finance