The Centre is very pleased to welcome academic visitors from outside Cambridge for both short term and sabbatical visits. Visiting Scholars should be engaged in advanced work in trophoblast or placental biology, and will be expected to contribute fully to the intellectual life of the Centre. They may work alongside colleagues in any university department or affiliated institute, and will have full access to library and other resources. The Centre is ideally suited to visitors on sabbatical, Commonwealth Scholars etc.
Those wishing to visit should first identify a member of the Centre prepared to sponsor their visit, or contact the Director.
They should then send the following, via their sponsor, to the Loke CTR Administrator:
- details of sources of funding available
- a current CV
- a summary (maximum one side of A4) of the objectives of their visit and the research they wish to pursue
Summer Studentships
While the CTR no longer funds Summer Studentships, the Centre is happy to accommodate summer students who have their own source of funding. To arrange a placement, please reach out directly to CTR group leaders whose research aligns with your research interests. A full list of group leaders with their contact information is available on our website: