The placenta is an extraembryonic organ made by the embryo that plays a crucial role in its nourishment and protection. After implantation, trophoblasts, the epithelial-like cells of the placenta, detach and migrate towards the maternal uterine wall to enlarge the arteries, facilitating the continuous delivery of blood to the placental-uterine interface. As trophoblasts migrate into the uterus, they encounter distinct maternal microenvironments and metabolic cues that guide their differentiation and function. Although metabolism has emerged as a key regulator of cell identity, its role in driving cell transitions in the human placenta remains poorly understood. In my postdoctoral research, I aim to determine the regulatory networks driving metabolic changes in trophoblasts as they migrate and differentiate, by combining multi-omics techniques, computational methods and gene editing tools. These findings will enable the reconstruction of metabolic-driven mechanisms governing uterine-placental interface physiology. Understanding this complex process could provide insights into pregnancy complications such as pre-eclampsia, a metabolic disorder caused by defective trophoblast invasion and insufficient arterial transformation. Furthermore, this project may have a potential translatability in cancer research, where metabolic heterogeneity during invasion plays a critical role in malignancy.
Paredes A, Justo-Méndez R, Jiménez-Blasco D, Núñez V, ..., Enríquez JA, Ricote M. (2023) γ-Linolenic acid in maternal milk drives cardiac metabolic maturation. Nature. 618:365-373.
Menendez-Gutierrez MP, Porcuna J, Nayak R, Paredes A, Niu H, Núñez V, Paranjpe A, Gómez, MJ, Bhattacharjee A, Schnell DJ, Sánchez-Cabo F, Welch JS, Salomonis N, Cancelas JA, and Ricote M. (2023) Retinoid X receptor promotes hematopoietic stem cell fitness and quiescence and preserves hematopoietic homeostasis. Blood. 141:592-608. MPMG and JP contributed equally to this work.
Alonso-Herranz L, Sahún-Español Á, Paredes A*, Gonzalo P, Gkontra P, Núñez V, Clemente C, Cedenilla M, Villalba-Orero M, Inserte J, García-Dorado D, Arroyo AG, Ricote M. (2020) Macrophages promote endothelial-to-mesenchymal transition via MT1-MMP/TGFβ1 after myocardial infarction. Elife. 9:e57920.
Paredes A, Santos-Clemente R, Ricote M. (2021) Untangling the Cooperative Role of Nuclear Receptors in Cardiovascular Physiology and Disease. Int J Mol Sci. 22(15):7775.