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Research summary
System A is an amino acid transporter that plays an important role in fetal growth and development. My work involves using genetic models of the System A transporter genes to examine the following:

  1. Understand the role of system A activity in the mouse placenta.
  2. Study the role of system A activity in fetal tissues.
  3. Establish cell signalling pathways involved in system A activity.
  4. Analyse the effects of nutrient supplementation in rescuing the growth restricted phenotype.

I am a member of Miguel Constancia’s group.


Funding: BBSRC


Key publications: 

Kusinski LC, Stanley JL, Dilworth MR, Hirt CJ, Andersson IJ, Renshall LJ, Baker BC, Baker PN, Sibley CP, Wareing M, Glazier JD (2012). eNOS knockout mouse as a model of fetal growth restriction with an impaired uterine artery function and placental transport phenotype. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol.[Epub ahead of print].

Kusinski LC, Dilworth MR, Baker PN, Sibley CP, Wareing M, Glazier JD (2011).System A activity and vascular function in the placental-specific Igf2 knockout mouse. Placenta.32 (11):871-6.

Kusinski LC, Jones CJ, Baker PN, Sibley CP, Glazier JD. Isolation of plasma membrane vesicles from mouse placenta at term and measurement of system A and system beta amino acid transporter activity. Placenta. 2010 Jan;31(1):53-9.

Postdoctoral Research Associate

