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Centre for Trophoblast Research



Research summary
I started as a postdoc in the laboratory of Professor Moffett October 1st 2014. My research will focus on uterine NK cells and how they regulate events in implantation. During my PhD and a short postdoc period I have been studying human NK cell development, regulation and function, at Karolinska Instiutet, Stockholm Sweden.


Funding: Funding from Moffett group


Key publications: 
  1. Ivarsson et al. JCI 2013. “Differentiation and functional regulation of human fetal NK cells”
  2. Ivarsson et al. Front Immunology 2014. “Activating killer cell Ig-like receptors in health and disease”
  3. Fauriat, Ivarsson et al. Blood 2010. “Education of human natural killer cells by activating killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptors”
Research Associate