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My research programme addresses the link between maternal obesity, infertility and offspring predisposition to health and disease. I am particularly interested in understanding the direct effects of maternal obesity on two major components of the female reproductive tract: the ovary and the uterus. On the one hand, using novel methods for single cell multi-omics profiling, I am characterising the changes in oocyte epigenome (methylome and transcriptome) from different mouse models of diet induced and genetic obesity, as well as altered leptin signalling. On the other hand, an analogous approach is being undertaken concerning the characterisation of molecular changes in endometrial cells in the aforementioned models, particularly investigating effects on decidualisation. Finally, I am also interested in understanding weather alterations in developmental programming during embryogenesis, and potentially ascribed to epimutations established in the female gamete, can be linked to adipose tissue performance in the offspring. In a long run, my research will unravel the impact of maternal obesity on altered oocyte epigenome and intra-uterine environment on early embryo programming and offspring predisposition to obesity.


Dec 2017 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship, Maternal Obesity and Epigenetic Reprogramming: from Gametogenesis to Early Embryonic Development, with Gavin Kelsey, Babraham Institute, Cambridge, UK. Funded by Horizon 2020, 24 months, 184000 €

Research grants:

Feb 2020 Maternal obesity and epigenetic and metabolic regulations during gametogenesis and early embryo development in mice: the specific role of leptin signalling, Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research (IARFR), Polish Academy of Sciences, Olsztyn. Funded by National Science Centre (NSC) Poland, 48 months, 900000 €

May 2017            Maternal Obesity and Epigenetic Reprogramming: The Oocyte Epigenome and Early Embryo Development, IARFR. Funded by NSC Poland, 36 months, 188000 €

Jul 2015                Maternal Obesity in mice and epigenetic consequences for the oocyte: methods for reduced cell number analysis, IARFR. Intramural funding 18 months, 35000 €

May 2015             The role of leptin in the pathogenesis of ovarian dysfunction during obesity progression, IARFR. Funded by NSC Poland, 36 months, 160000 €

Nov 2014              The role of Transforming Growth Factor beta superfamily members on equine luteal function regulation, IARFR. Funded by Ministry of Science and Higher Education Poland, 24 months, 25000 €


Key publications: 

1)            1) Wolodko K, Castillo-Fernandez J, Kelsey G, Galvão A. 2021. Revisiting the Impact of Local Leptin Signaling in Folliculogenesis and Oocyte Maturation in Obese Mothers. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 22(8), 4270.

2)            Galvão A., Kelsey G. 2021, Profiling DNA-Methylation Genome Wide in Single Cells. Methods in Molecular Biology. 2214:221-240.

3)            Wolodko K, Adamowski M, Walewska E, Castillo-Fernandez J, Kelsey G, Galvão A. 2020, Leptin Resistance in the Ovary of Obese Mice Is Associated with Profound Changes in the Transcriptome of Cumulus Cells. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry. 54: 417-437

Former Post Doc, Babraham Institute

