The evolution of gene expression in the primitive endoderm (PrE), a transient early extra-embryonic tissue, and the structure it ultimately contributes to, the yolk sac, is largely uncharacterised. The yolk sac provides embryo nutrition before the placenta takes over, and mediates implantation into the maternal uterus in humans. Furthermore, it is vital for organ patterning, haemopoiesis, and gut development in many vertebrates.
My research aims to characterise the development of PrE into the yolk sac across a broad range of vertebrate species using transcriptomics and functional genetics studies.
Thomas D Lewin, Josephine R Blagrove, Peter W H Holland, Rapid Evolution of the Embryonically Expressed Homeobox Gene LEUTX within Primates, Genome Biology and Evolution, Volume 15, Issue 6, June 2023, evad097,