2018-2019 Talks
Wednesday 5 September 2018
Professor Lynne Selwood, School of BioSciences, Faculty of Science, University of Melbourne, Australia
Title: Marsupial developmental biology: The role of place and time
Bryan Matthews Seminar Room, Physiology Building, Downing Site
Talk commences 4.00pm
Tuesday 16 October 2018
Dr Micha Drukker, Helmholtz Center Munich
Title: Regulation of differentiation by membraneless organelles
Bryan Matthews Seminar Room, Physiology Building, Downing Site
Talk commences 4.00pm
Wednesday 14 November 2018
Dr Salim Al-Gailani, Department of History and Philosophy of Science, Cambridge University
Title: Vitamin trials: a history of folic acid in pregnancy and public health
Hodgkin Huxley Seminar Room, Physiology Building, Downing Site
Talk commences 4.00pm
Wednesday 5 December 2018
Professor Simon Szreter, Cambridge University
Title: TBC (theme: Effects of (pre-HIV) STIs on infertility throughout history)
Bryan Matthews Seminar Room, Physiology Building, Downing Site
Talk commences 4.00pm
Wednesday 6 February 2019
Dr Tatiana El-Bacha, Brazil
Title: TBC
Hodgkin Huxley Seminar Room, Physiology Building, Downing Site
Talk commences 4.00pm
Wednesday 6 March 2019
Dr Pascale Chavatte-Palmer, INRA, France
Title: Placental effects of air pollution and exposure to nanoparticles in a rabbit model, with exploration of long term effects in offspring
Hodgkin Huxley Seminar Room, Physiology Building, Downing Site
Talk commences 4.00pm
Monday 11 March: 2-5pm
Reproductive Physiology mini Symposium
Bryan Matthews Seminar Room, Physiology Building, Downing Site
2pm Dr Holly Groome, University of Adelaide
The role of macrophages in vascular adaptations to pregnancy
2.45pm A/Prof Tu’uhe Lino, University of Melbourne
Diagnostics Discovery for Pregnancy Complications
3.30pm A/Prof Natalie Hannan, University of Melbourne
Understanding the vascular and placental dysfunction in preeclampsia to discover novel therapeutic targets
4.15pm Dr Jemma Evans, Hudson Institute
Dark, sticky and treacherous: The negative impact of advanced glycation end products on fertility
Monday 18 March: 4-5pm Special CTR seminar
Bryan Matthews Seminar room
Dr Ellen Menkhorst, University of Melbourne
Decidual-trophoblast interactions during the establishment of pregnancy
Prof Eva Dimitriadis will also be around for the day and is keen to meet with people
Friday 29 March 2019
Dr Caitlin Wyrwool, University of Western Australia
Title: TBC
Talk commences 4.00pm
Wednesday 5 June 2019
Dr David Monk, University of East Anglia
Title: TBA
Bryan Matthews Seminar Room, Physiology Building, Downing Site
Talk commences 4.00pm